Sacraments: Matrimony Part Two

Sacraments: Matrimony Part Two

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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Sacraments: Eucharist Part 1

Sacraments: Eucharist Part 1

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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Sacraments: Eucharist Part Two

Sacraments: Eucharist Part Two

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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Easter Mystagogia

Easter Mystagogia

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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Sacraments: Matrimony Part One

Sacraments: Matrimony Part One

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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to Mar 8


Release the power of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Friday, March 7: 4:00pm-9:00pm and Saturday, March 8: 9:00am-1:30pm at Newman.

This retreat is FREE but registration is required.

Register here by March 2!

Questions? Katie Winkler

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Sacraments: Holy Orders Part Two

Sacraments: Holy Orders Part Two

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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Community Night: Kahoot

Community Night: Kahoot

Every Thursday night is community night at JPII Newman!

Phonathon sign-ups!!! Amber will be at community night for a fun evening of giving away prizes (big and small!!), sharing some secret incentives, and ~food.~ Anyone can do this and yes, you're going to have fun!!

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Sacraments: Holy Orders Part One

Sacraments: Holy Orders Part One

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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Sacraments: Confession / Last Rites

Sacraments: Confession / Last Rites

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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Sacraments: Confirmation

Sacraments: Confirmation

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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Sacraments: Baptism

Sacraments: Baptism

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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Sacraments: Church and sacraments in general

Sacraments: Church and sacraments in general

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

The spring semester Catholic Lecture Series is Sacraments. Join Dcn. Omar each Monday as he talks about the different sacraments of the Catholic Church, their history, Biblical basis, and function in the life of the Church.

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Cozy Carb Night

Cozy Carb Night

Kick off the start of classes with a cozy night of pasta, salad, garlic bread, music, and plenty of fun. The perfect way to unwind and reconnect with friends as we dive into another semester together.

See you there!

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Church History: The Contemporary Age

Church History: The Contemporary Age

Brought to you by the Evangelium Institute’s Dcn Omar Gutierrez. No need to register, just come at 7 and bring a friend.

This 5-week series is entitled: Church History, Major Moments and Players. Learn about the way the Church has moved through the world and the different periods that make up the history of our Church.

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