Download a PDF copy of the St. John Paul II Newman Center Residence Life Handbook or click on the heading to read more.

  • The St. John Paul II Newman Center exists to share the transformative love of Jesus Christ with every college student in Omaha.

    In his 1978 inaugural homily as Pope, St. John Paul II challenged the faithful: “Brothers and sisters, do not be afraid to welcome Christ and accept his power.” The mission of the St. John Paul II Newman Center (“JPII Newman”) is to bring the transformative love of Jesus Christ to all college students in Omaha. Our patron, St. John Paul II, had a special love for young adults and personally invested himself in their lives as a means of fostering in them a love of Christ and a life of committed discipleship. In 1993, at World Youth Day in Denver, CO, St. John Paul II reminded a generation of young people, many of whom have gone on to serve the Church today in the priesthood and in consecrated life, of Christ’s declaration: “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10b). JPII Newman strives to call young people to live the abundant life embodied by our late, beloved Pontiff, by offering and promoting what was vital to him:

    • a personal relationship with Christ leading to discipleship;

    • a love of the sacraments as privileged ways to encounter God;

    • the pursuit of authentic love as the foundation of relationships and community life;

    • a solid catechetical formation flowing from Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition;

    • a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, her spouse;

    • a life of personal, contemplative prayer from which flows the discernment of one’s vocation, apostolic action and service to the poor;

    • an appreciation of music, the arts, and nature that opens us in wonder to the beauty of God.

    Inspired by the witness of St. John Paul II, we are called to be bold, to be faithful, and to be not afraid.

  • As a parish of the Catholic Church, JPII Newman accepts the Church’s doctrinal and legislative documents as primary guides for its own policies, practices, rules and norms of behavior. JPII Newman will uphold the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church and will not act on or promote anything contrary to Sacred Scripture, Apostolic Tradition, or the discipline of the Catholic Church. Like any Church effort, our ministry depends on the good will, time, talent and treasure of members, leaders, volunteers and supporters.

    The specific policies of this handbook are inspired by the following sources: 

    • The dignity of the human person as created in the image of God

    • The Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes

    • Natural law

    • The cardinal and theological virtues

    • The teachings and disciplines of the Catholic Church

    • Applicable norms of civil law

  • Within the traditions of its mission and Catholic heritage, JPII Newman expects its students to develop a high standard of behavior and personal values. Among these expectations are:

    • Respect for self and the rights and human dignity of others, especially in the context of relationships.

    • Respect for the rights and needs of the JPII Newman community to develop and maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic study and personal development.

    • Respect for honesty, freedom of expression, and open inquiry.

    • Tolerance for the different backgrounds, religious traditions, personalities and beliefs of the students, faculty, and staff who make up the JPII Newman community.

    • A willingness to assist others in need of support, guidance or friendship.

    • Respect for federal, state, and local laws and ordinances.

    • Respect for the authorities, policies, procedures and regulations established by JPII Newman for the orderly administration of its activities and the welfare of the members of its community.

  • The Church teaches: “A virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do the good. It allows the person not only to perform good acts, but to give the best of himself. The virtuous person tends toward the good with all his sensory and spiritual powers; he pursues the good and chooses it in concrete actions” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1803).

    Virtues are habits, but not just habits. They are habits that help us to choose and do the good. This is often difficult. But over time, as these virtues are built up, we are able to choose the good consistently, with joy and with ease. If we want to be great witnesses and lead through our character, virtue is an absolute must. Lots of people can talk about what they value, but the actions of the virtuous person speak louder than words.

    In the JPII Newman community, we strive to provide an environment that models and encourages a life in the pursuit of virtues, especially chastity (see section 5. A.-B.), sobriety (see section 5. C.-D.) and personal excellence. To that end, we also realize that many will come to our doors striving for mastery in these areas, but who do not practice virtue to the fullest.  As St. John Paul II taught us, “Who can say that he is free from sin and does not need God’s mercy?” As people of this restless time of ours, wavering between the emptiness of self-exaltation and the humiliation of despair, we have a greater need than ever for a regenerating experience of mercy” (Regina Caeli Message, April 10, 1994). Therefore, by offering instruction in the Christian life and administering grace through the sacraments, we look forward to accompanying college students as they encounter Our Lord through their struggles with sin and victories over them. This is part of the growth in Christian virtue.

     At the same time, a student residing or participating in activities at JPII Newman assumes an obligation to conduct himself or herself in a manner compatible with JPII Newman's mission and consistent with Catholic moral teaching. Some conduct, whether on or off JPII Newman property, is so serious that it may affect the student's suitability as a member of JPII Newman. Conduct which may result in discipline, including fines, suspension and/or eviction from JPII Newman, includes, but is not limited to the following:

    •  Theft, vandalism, dishonesty, or knowingly furnishing false information to JPII Newman

    • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of official JPII Newman documents, records or identification (includes ID key cards), tampering with computer information that invades the privacy of others, and irresponsible use of resources

    • Physical, verbal or written harassment or abuse of another person; as well as threatening or attempting to inflict personal injury or creating a substantial risk of such injury to another person

    • The illicit use of controlled substances

    • Disorderly conduct or lewd, indecent or obscene conduct

    • Possession of pornographic materials, including viewing pornography on a computer at JPII Newman

    • Inappropriate behavior, on or off JPII Newman premises, that is inconsistent with the mission and purpose of JPII Newman or that may reflect adversely on JPII Newman

    • Refusal to comply with directives of JPII Newman officials acting in the proper performance of their duties

5. Student Life Policies

Note: The policies contained in sections 5-6 apply especially to students residing in Newman Hall, the residential or housing portion of the JPII Newman facility.  Depending on context, some apply to all JPII Newman students.

  • Christ calls all persons to chastity for the good of friendship and community. The virtue of chastity reserves genital sexual activity for expression only in a monogamous heterosexual relationship of lasting fidelity within marriage.

    The Church teaches:

    “Chastity means the successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner union of man in his bodily and spiritual being. Sexuality, in which man’s belonging to the bodily and biological world is expressed, becomes personal and truly human when it is integrated into the relationship of one person to another, in the complete and lifelong mutual gift of a man and a woman.

    The virtue of chastity therefore involves the integrity of person and the integrality of the gift.

    The chaste person maintains the integrity of the powers of life and love placed within him. This integrity ensures the unity of the person; it is opposed to any behavior that would impair it. It tolerates neither a double life nor duplicity in speech” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2337-2338).

    In order to help foster the virtue of chastity, JPII Newman will segregate its residents based upon the student’s God-given biological sex; men will live on floors 1 and 3 and women will live on floors 2 and 4. Further, JPII Newman has set hours during which students may invite visitors of the opposite sex to the common areas of their apartment. Visitation by members of the opposite sex and/or one’s significant other in a resident’s bedroom within a unit is never allowed. Visitation hours play a positive role in the creation of a community spirit among students by encouraging mutual respect for the dignity and vocation of each person. Further, the hours foster the residential mission by honoring a student’s right to private time, study, and sleep. Visitation hours help roommates set boundaries and avoid conflict. Friendships are fostered between members of the residential community, and they are empowered to fulfill their individual needs and interests. Deep friendships between men and women are encouraged, while at the same time, the dignity of their differences is respected. The visitation policy is crafted to encourage chastity in relationships and growth in Christian virtue.

    The right of the roommate wanting privacy should always prevail over the roommate wanting someone who is not living in that unit to visit, though both parties’ rights should be considered.

    Permitted visitation hours of members of the opposite sex and visitors (as defined in Section 5B) are as follows:

    Student unit common areas (i.e. kitchen/living room) and second through fourth floor lounges:

    Sunday-Thursday       10:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.

    Friday-Saturday          10:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m.

    First floor common areas:

    Daily                              24-hour visitation

    Newman Leadership Center (lower level of building):

    Daily                              7:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.

    Failure to follow visitation policies may result in disciplinary action, including community service, fines, disciplinary probation, suspension or loss of visitation for one or more semesters, or eviction from JPII Newman. Special requirements such as alcohol and/or other drug education or other such services may be added to the consequences when there are other circumstances involved in the violation. Each situation is reviewed separately, as variables may change the consequences.

    While there is no set curfew for residents to return to the residence hall or their unit at night, we encourage residents to be attentive to the need for proper rest for the sake of one’s health, happiness, and well- being, and in order to better fulfill one’s obligations as a student. In light of this, sleeping on couches in the common areas is not permitted.

  • JPII Newman is private property. One’s presence at JPII Newman is at the pleasure of JPII Newman. It is JPII Newman’s expectation that visitors and overnight guests will abide by its rules and local, state, and federal law. Hosts will be accountable for the safety and actions of their visitors and overnight guests. JPII Newman reserves the right to ask visitors and overnight guests unable to respect its policies to leave its property. Visitors and overnight guests must adhere to the visitation policy noted in section 5.A.

    A visitor is a person who is not a current Newman Hall resident, but who is visiting a resident or a staff member during regular visiting hours (see section 5.A). The visitor may not be in the student residence portion of the building (regardless of floor/sex) after visitation hours have ended.

    An overnight guest is a person who resides overnight with a resident of Newman Hall. An overnight guest’s host can be a resident or a member of the staff. Residents who are on probation may not be hosts for JPII Newman.

    A resident or staff member must obtain permission from the resident director to host an overnight guest and fill out the required form to note the name, contact information, etc. of the guest. The form can be found at and should be filled out 48 hours before the guest arrives. The host is responsible for his/her guest. Overnight guests are not allowed to stay when the hosts they are visiting are not also present.

    Overnight guests will only be allowed to stay overnight in a student’s unit with permission of both the resident director and the other residents in the unit. Overnight guests must check in at the front desk before 10:00 p.m. upon their arrival. The maximum number of nights a guest may stay is three nights per month. Hosts who do not obtain permission from the resident director for their guest to stay overnight will be charged $25 for each night their guest stays, and may face additional disciplinary action.

    Minor siblings who are 14+ years old and of the same sex as a resident may be an overnight guest of the resident, with special approval of the resident director and written permission of the minor sibling’s parent or guardian (Minor Overnight Waiver). He or she must sleep in the resident sibling’s bedroom. The Minor Overnight Waiver is available on our website at

    Prospective student residents who are 14+ years old and of the same sex as a resident may be overnight guests with the permission of the resident director. If they are minors, they also need written permission from a parent or guardian. They are not to sleep in an individual bedroom (unless it is vacant) but rather in the living room area of the unit.

  • “Temperance is the moral virtue that moderates the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods. It ensures the will’s mastery over instincts and keeps desires within the limits of what is honorable. The temperate person directs the sensitive appetites toward what is good and maintains a healthy discretion. . . We ought ‘to live sober, upright, and Godly lives in this world’ (Titus 2:12)” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1809).

    This policy does not sanction cocktail or heavy drinking parties of any kind in student’s units but is a privilege intended to allow moderate drinking by residents and visitors, who are age 21 or older, in a controlled environment and in a social setting. We understand that on a college campus, alcohol misuse has become the standard and the norm. We wish to create a culture in which alcohol is consumed legally, responsibly, and moderately.

    JPII Newman follows city and state regulations regarding the use of alcoholic beverages and expects its residents and guests to abide by them. All members of the JPII Newman community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on themselves and JPII Newman and share responsibility for this policy. The provisions of this policy are as follows:

    1. Beer, wine, and hard seltzers (seltzers may not be more than 5% ALC/VOL) are permitted to be stored and consumed in the common spaces of a:

    • 4-bedroom unit where two or more residents are aged 21 or older (any additional roommates must be 19 or older).

    • 2-bedroom unit where one or more residents are aged 21 or older (any additional roommates must be 19 or older).

    • Studio unit where the resident is 21 or older.

    Permission is contingent on all resident members of units that meet the above criteria scheduling a meeting with the Resident Director to sign an agreement stating that they will abide by state regulations regarding the use of alcoholic beverages and JPII Newman’s rules associated with drinking alcohol in the building, including those standards listed below.

    2. Hard liquor or mixed drinks are never permitted in the residence hall.

    3.      Drunkenness will not be tolerated.

    • A maximum of two alcoholic drinks can be consumed.

    • Under no circumstances should a student drink alcoholic beverages alone.

    4.      Though minors (under the age of 21) are permitted to be present in units where alcohol is being consumed, JPII Newman upholds a zero-tolerance policy for underage drinking. Minors are not permitted to consume alcohol under any circumstances; UNO Public Safety will be called, and citations will be issued.

    5.      Drinking alcoholic beverages in public common areas outside of the unit is not permitted.

    • Any student desiring to host an event in a public common area of JPII Newman where alcohol is served may submit a special request for review and approval through the “Student Event Request” form found at

    6.      Additional standards for a gathering in a unit with visitors:

    • A maximum of 12 people total may be in a unit at any one time.

    • A designated person will be responsible for serving the alcoholic drinks, which will be limited to beer, wine, or hard seltzers.

    • Only those aged 21 or older will be served.

    • Drinks are not to be sold.

    • Non-alcoholic drinks must be provided as an alternative for those not drinking alcohol or for those who have already consumed the maximum number of alcoholic drinks (2).

    7.      All residents assigned to a unit are responsible for violations of this policy in their apartment.

    8.      Intimidation or harassment of a resident assistant or JPII Newman official in connection with problems due to drinking, or the refusal to follow their directives, may result in immediate suspension or eviction from JPII Newman.

    Consequences— If anyone is found to be engaged in illegal activity, notification to UNO Public Safety will always take place and can result in criminal charges. Additionally, residents will have a mandatory meeting with the resident director where specific determination of consequences in each case will be made, up to and including fines, suspension, or eviction from JPII Newman.

  • Both alcohol abuse and drug abuse are harmful to individuals and their relationships with others. Substance abuse also leads to lessened study/work productivity, increased absenteeism and physiological illness.

    The illicit use of controlled substances violates both federal and state laws and most frequently leads to diminished physiological processes, emotional imbalance, and/or withdrawal from others. At JPII Newman, it is important to provide an environment that promotes physical and psychological health, as well as aiding individuals in making sound life choices.

    Another essential component to such an atmosphere is the development of consistent practices that offer assistance to those in need and safety to others around the person in need—all within a context of dignity and respect for all those involved. It is the intent of this policy statement to address the problems of controlled substance abuse within the framework provided by these broad goals.

    With this in mind, JPII Newman supports the Drug Free Workplace (PL 100- 690) and Drug Free Schools and Communities (PL101-226) Acts. The specific policy below prohibits the unlawful possession, use, and distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on JPII Newman property or as a part of JPII Newman-sanctioned activities.

    Objectives—The objectives of this policy are as follows:

    1. To prevent, as much as possible, controlled substance abusers from hurting themselves or others

    2.  To prevent, as much as possible, illicit controlled substance usage from interfering with the user achieving his/her goals in attending college

    3. To aid students and others in making personal choices consistent with their personal goals and the mission of JPII Newman

    4. To encourage any needed individual into controlled substance abuse treatment programs, and to assist however possible in a student treatment progress

    Implementation—Violations of the following behaviors would specifically violate JPII Newman drug policy:

    1. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, and dispensation of controlled substances

    2. The possession or use of controlled substances without a physician’s prescription

    3. Possession or use of drug paraphernalia

    Consequences—Specific determination of consequences in each case will be made by the resident director of JPII Newman, up to and including imposing a fine, suspension or eviction from JPII Newman.

6. Residence Hall - General Policies & Procedures

  • The use of contact paper, duct tape, packing tape, non-removable self- adhesives, 3M command strips, LED adhesive light strips, white sticky tack, push pins, screws, and other items that may permanently damage the walls or furnishings in the residence hall are prohibited.

    JPII Newman will provide 2-inch Trim nails to students for use in hanging pictures. Nails should not be used in the ceiling. Students should not use their own nails. Blue painter’s tape is a product that can be used on the walls. All items are hung at your own risk. Any damage, beyond nail holes, caused by hanging items on the walls will be charged to the resident.

  • Units are furnished with appliances suitable for cooking in the kitchen area (refrigerator/freezer, stove/oven range, microwave, and dishwasher). If one of the furnished appliances needs maintenance or repair, residents must submit a maintenance request form through their Innago account.

    The following appliances are NOT permitted anywhere in the unit: gas/propane/charcoal grills/appliances, electric/oil/open coil space heaters, hot plates, sun lamps, and additional refrigerators larger than 4 cubic feet. The following appliances are NOT permitted to be used in student bedroom or bathroom portion of the unit: electric grills/skillets and toaster ovens.

    The following additional appliances ARE permitted in student bedroom and bathroom portion of the unit: stereos, televisions, electric razors, fans, heating pads, computers, electrical blankets, and refrigerators 4 cubic feet or smaller.

  • JPII Newman has an outdoor bicycle rack where students may store their bicycles. Bicycles are not allowed to be stored in student units or common areas. They are never to be ridden or walked around inside. Per recommendation of UNO Security, students should use “U-Bolt” locks to secure their bikes. Students should register their bikes online at

    • All postings must be approved by a member of the housing staff.

    • All posted items must include the name of the sponsoring group or individual, and the date of posting. Items not marked will be removed.

    • It is the responsibility of the sponsoring group or individual to remove posted materials immediately after the event has occurred or one week following the posting date on the item.

    • Good judgment is expected. Postings which are contrary to the laws and doctrines of the Catholic Church will not be allowed.

    • No derogatory remarks, degrading stereotypes or obscene language will be allowed.

    • No more than one like poster per board may be displayed.

    • To post an announcement on the electronic signage at the entrance to JPII Newman and at the oratory, please see the business manager.

  • As a general guide, students should keep in mind that individually they represent the student body of JPII Newman. Sunbathing in swimsuits of any kind is not permitted on the grounds of JPII Newman. When in common spaces on any floor (including laundry rooms and lounges), hallways, and stairwells, students must wear shoes.

  • All explosive or combustible materials and liquids are prohibited at JPII Newman, except those used in the context of the sacred liturgy. Candles and all open flame devices are strictly prohibited in student housing. The indoor/outdoor fireplace in the Holy Family Room and Mary’s Courtyard may be used in accord with its own instructions.

    Do not smoke in any part of the building (including the use of vapes and Juuls), overload electrical outlets, take chemicals or highly flammable material into your unit, or use open coil heaters or hotplates. Chemicals or highly flammable material of any description, including paint, anti-freeze or fuel shall not be brought into student housing at any time. Please take every precaution to prevent fires and protect the lives of all residents.

  • JPII Newman’s community grill is available for use during the spring, summer and fall months. Grill utensils are available for checkout at the front desk during desk hours (9:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Monday- Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Friday, 5:00-11:00 p.m. Saturday, 5:00-10:00 p.m. Sunday). Residents should remove the grill cover during use and replace the cover after the grill has cooled.

  • Martha’s Kitchen, located off Karol’s Commons, is a community kitchen available for residents and community members to use during desk hours (9:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Monday- Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Friday, 5:00-11:00 p.m. Saturday, 5:00-10:00 p.m. Sunday).

    Residents and community members should check out the kitchen key at the front desk and return the key after the kitchen is returned to proper order (see instructions for clean-up in the kitchen). The student who checks out the key is responsible for any damage done or mess left in the kitchen. Fines may be assessed based on damages and/or mess.

    Residents have their own private kitchen and will not store food in the community fridge. Staff members reserve the right to dispose of old food. The JPII Newman fridge and metal shelving are only to be used by staff members.

    Residents and community members can fill out a request to reserve the kitchen at Approval will come from the resident director or business manager. JPII Newman-scheduled events will take precedence over other events.

  • All residents are responsible for keeping all JPII Newman-owned property and equipment in good condition. Damaging, defacing, or vandalizing JPII Newman property will not be tolerated. Any student caught engaging in this activity will face disciplinary action and may be required to pay for repair costs.

    Residents will be held responsible for all breakage and damage that is beyond the expected normal wear of furnishings. Furthermore, units that are dirty or have items or trash left in them at checkout will be subject to fines. Charges are determined by cleaning, repair and replacement costs. Damage to the student’s unit and furnishings will be assessed to the occupants. If something in a student’s unit needs repair, students must report the damage through their Innago account and repairs will be made.

    JPII Newman assumes no responsibility for losses, damages, or injuries of any sort occurring to persons or property in student housing by any cause whatsoever. Residents are encouraged to carry personal property and liability insurance or confirm that their parents’ home insurance policy covers their possessions should anything be damaged or stolen. The main door of the unit should be closed and locked when residents are away. If there is theft, it should be reported to the resident assistant and to UNO security. It is advisable to record serial numbers of all valuables.

    Damage to or tampering with safety equipment such as fire extinguishers and hoses, smoke alarms, signage and lights, and other such equipment, seriously endangers the lives and health of residents. Disciplinary measures in keeping with the gravity of such offenses will be taken, including the possibility of a fine, suspension, or eviction from JPII Newman.

  • Decorations may not use explicit language, including slurs or denigration of any groups or individuals, or make references to the use, sale, or consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana, be sexually explicit/suggestive, or promote illegal activities or illegal content.

    Flags, banners, etc. may not be hung outside or draped from an apartment window.

  • JPII Newman does not have housing for married couples or children of residents. Additionally, babysitting of minors is not allowed in the residence hall.

  • Firearms, bows and arrows, knives longer than 3” (and other than ordinary kitchen utensils), sling shots, dart boards, pneumatic or spring powered weapons, nunchucks, other weapons, fireworks, ammunition, or explosives may not be brought to JPII Newman. In short, all weapons, explosives, and dangerous materials are not allowed at JPII Newman. A violation of this policy is considered a serious matter and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including the imposition of a fine, suspension or eviction.

  • All bedrooms are furnished with a bed, mattress (twin XL), desk, desk chair, and a dresser. Bed frames and mattresses are expected to be used and not exchanged for outside beds or furniture.

    The common area in the unit is furnished with a couch, coffee table, chair, end table, and bar stools. The kitchen has all major appliances: fridge, oven, microwave, and dishwasher (see Appliances for additional information). Removal of the furniture provided in the unit is prohibited. If furniture is missing or broken, the residents will be held accountable for its repair or replacement.

    Lounge furniture is intended for use by all students of student housing. This furniture is not to be in a student’s unit. If lounge furniture is found in an individual student’s unit, disciplinary action may result.

  • JPII Newman follows the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control, United States Public Health Service, and the American College Health Association. The medical opinion of these sources supports the stance that there is no risk of acquiring HIV by ordinary social or occupational contact, such as working with, sitting near or living in the same residence, or sharing bathroom facilities with an HIV infected individual. No effort will be taken by JPII Newman to determine the HIV status of any applicant or resident. The student assumes responsibility of exposure by engaging in risky behaviors regarding sexual relationships, drugs and alcohol.

    Each case of HIV/AIDS will be evaluated on an individual basis when the student is known to be infected with the virus. The resident director will determine if and when the student should leave student housing in order to receive more appropriate care. At all times the confidentiality of the resident’s health status will be protected. JPII Newman values and respects the dignity of each individual.

  • All students are required to pay a $300 housing security deposit. The deposit is retained until the end of the lease term. Any assessment for damages and/or cleaning will be charged directly to the student's account and deducted from the deposit. Deposits will be returned within 30 days of check-out. Deposits are assumed by JPII Newman if the resident is evicted.

  • Each resident will be given a bedroom and mailbox key, along with a programed keycard for access to the building, elevator/floor, and their unit. Every resident is urged to keep his/her bedroom door locked at all times for security reasons. There is no deposit required for the keys. If a student is locked out of his/her unit, contact the resident assistant on-call. Though it is reasonable to need assistance now and again, a higher degree of responsibility will be expected as the year progresses and fines will be issued. For residents moving out, keys must be returned during check-out; a fine will be charged for non-returned keys.  

    Protocol for lost keys/keycards: Please inform the Resident Director immediately about lost keys. New keys will be issued to the resident, with a five-day grace period to find the lost keys. If found, the temporary keys must be returned to the Resident Director or a fine will be issued. If not found after the grace period, a fine will be issued through Innago and is due immediately.

  • Newman Hall has four laundry rooms, one on each floor. While there is no cost to use the washers and dryers, residents should provide their own detergent. Residents must use the laundry rooms on their respective floor and are only permitted to do their own laundry. Similarly, non-residents are not permitted to use the laundry rooms.

    To prevent malfunction and fire, residents should follow the instructions for laundry posted on the wall. In order to keep the laundry rooms in order, residents should promptly move their loads of laundry from the washer to dryer and then back to the resident’s apartment. Residents should respect other floor mates by not tampering with or moving another resident’s clothing. The laundry room is not to be treated as a lost and found. All items left in the laundry room for over 24 hours will be donated or thrown away by the resident assistant.

  • Only approved loft kits are permitted in student housing. A limited number of lofting kits are available on a first-come, first-served basis. To request a loft kit, please fill out and submit a maintenance request through Innago.

  • Residents can send and receive mail at the front desk, including letters, newspapers, magazines, and shipping company deliveries. Include your full name and unit number on incoming items. Outgoing mail needs proper postage.

    Packages from shipping companies (Amazon, UPS, FedEx, etc.) will be received during desk hours and stored behind the front desk. It is the responsibility of the resident to track their package delivery and pick it up accordingly. On weekends, the front desk is not open until 5:00pm, therefore, package deliveries are not guaranteed.

    Residents ordering food deliveries such as Door Dash, Grub Hub, grocery stores or restaurants, need to meet delivery drivers at the front entrance. Vendors are not allowed to deliver to residential units.

  • If you discover a maintenance issue, students must report it by submitting a maintenance request through Innago.

  • All attempts to attack a staff member and all instances of deliberate antagonistic behavior towards or assault of staff members will not be tolerated. Any instances of such behavior will result in immediate disciplinary action. All residents, visitors, and overnight guests are expected to cooperate with any staff member's reasonable request.

  • Special care should be taken when engaging in the following activities when outside or adjacent to the building: riding a scooter, rollerblading, skateboarding, hoverboarding, unicycling, water fights, bike riding, shooting paint guns, throwing frisbees, playing outdoor games, throwing, bouncing or kicking balls, playing golf or basketball, etc.

    Note: Outdoor activities are not permitted inside student housing or in the common areas.

  • JPII Newman has two parking lots on premise: the front lot on the north side of the property and the staff lot on the southwest side of the property. The staff lot is reserved for employees of JPII Newman including full-time staff, missionaries, and RAs. Residents who park in staff parking or in guest parking will be subject to parking fines.

    The front lot has four VIP parking spots that students and staff are not to use. The remainder of the lot is for all residents and community members of JPII Newman. JPII Newman students who park in VIP spots will be subject to parking fines.

    Residents are required to register their vehicle at Failure to register one’s vehicle may result in a disciplinary fine.

  • Other than fish, pets are not allowed in student housing. Fish tanks must be no larger than 5 gallons.

    A resident of Newman Hall who has a formal opinion from a doctor and legitimate reason for an emotional support animal may seek permission to house an emotional support animal in the resident’s unit from the resident director. Upon approval, the resident is required to sign a lease addendum with additional stipulations. Please email the director of residence life for more information at

  • Students are expected to maintain a courteous environment at all times, both in JPII Newman and in the courtyard. Speakers may not be placed in windows. Quiet hours begin 1 hour before the end of visitation hours (see p. 4) and end at 10 a.m. During this time residents are asked to speak softly and play radios, stereos, instruments and TV softly.

  • Residents are to remove all their belongings from student housing when they terminate their residency. A charge will be made for personal belongings or trash left in the unit. Items left after termination of residency will be properly disposed.

  • Students are prohibited from roofs and/or window ledges at all times, except for the designated decks (rooftop deck on south side of the 4th floor and balconies on west side of floors 2-4).

  • Roommate placements take place beginning in the spring semester and over the summer. JPII Newman reserves the right to reassign students to another unit when deemed necessary for the benefit of the individual student or group of students.

    Room changes are generally not allowed during the semester unless there is an immediate danger or safety concern to a student. If a roommate conflict arises, the residents should go through a mediation process with their resident assistant. After the roommate mediation, the resident director will decide if a room change is appropriate. Making room changes without receiving proper approval will result in disciplinary action.

  • JPII Newman staff are authorized to enter units when they suspect there is evidence of a violation of JPII Newman regulations or for the purpose of maintenance and emergencies.  In these cases, JPII Newman reserves the right to search the unit and have the student's possessions inspected at the direction of the resident director.

    Health and safety inspections will be scheduled throughout the year. Inspections will occur with and without warning. An inspection will be held each vacation period. Rooms will be inspected for cleanliness and safety hazards. These inspections would not be considered a unit search. JPII Newman reserves the right to enter units to inspect the furniture and equipment or to perform maintenance work.

    It is the responsibility of the residents to keep their unit clean. Please contact your resident assistant to check out a vacuum. The health and safety inspection will be looking for standards such as: trash properly disposed; no dirty dishes; no open food containers or excessive crumbs on the floors or counters; shower clean and drain not clogged; toilet clean and functioning; bathroom space clean and sanitized; and floors in all spaces clear of clothing or other belongings.

  • Smoking and use of tobacco products (including vapes, e-cigarettes, and Juuls) on JPII Newman premises is limited to the designated outdoor area only. Hookahs are not permitted. Smoking, vaping, Juuling, etc. is strictly prohibited in the residence hall, indoor common areas, and outdoor decks. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including the imposition of a fine, suspension or eviction.

  • All students are expected to take responsibility for the proper disposal of their trash. Designated rubbish rooms are located: across from the elevator on floors 2 & 3; next to the South stairwell on floor 4; and a larger rubbish room is located on the south end of the first floor (for use by all residents during visitation hours). The first floor rubbish room serves as the main trash room for the building. Any large items that do not fit in a trash bag must be placed in the larger receptacles on first floor.

    Students must bag their trash; trash and recycling items should be taken regularly from their unit and brought to their floor’s rubbish room. Trash and recycling receptacles (including glass recycling) are also provided in the common areas. Dumping or leaving trash in any area other than proper receptacles and rubbish rooms will not be tolerated.  Failure to adhere to this policy may result in a fine.

  • All windows in the unit have blinds that are enclosed within the panes of glass. Windows and blinds may not be removed or tampered with. A maintenance or replacement fee will be assessed for anyone tampering with them and disciplinary action may result. Tension rods are permitted to filter additional light. Bedroom windows are approximately 31” wide by 58” high.

    Nothing may be thrown out of windows, and residents should not enter or exit through windows.

  • JPII Newman will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment. Discrimination or harassment is strictly prohibited on JPII Newman property, in all programs and activities, and at JPII Newman-sponsored events and activities, regardless of whether or not the event takes place on JPII Newman property.

    JPII Newman takes all claims of harassment very seriously. Students engaging in such acts will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined below. Regarding other persons, JPII Newman will take action appropriate and necessary to prevent recurrence, which may include banning such persons from JPII Newman and/or terminating their employment.

    Other Inappropriate Conduct

    Conduct that does not constitute prohibited discrimination or harassment under the law or under any of JPII Newman’s policies still may be inappropriate for the JPII Newman community. Even if JPII Newman determines an individual’s behavior does not rise to the level of prohibited discrimination or harassment under this policy, it may impose appropriate disciplinary action. As a general rule, disciplinary action will be imposed under this paragraph if JPII Newman believes the behavior or conduct was inappropriate, unprofessional, objectionable, inconsistent with reasonable rules of conduct, or inconsistent with the laws and doctrines or disciplines of the Roman Catholic Church.

    Reporting a Complaint

    A resident or other student who has a question, concern or complaint of discrimination or harassment should bring the matter to the attention of the resident director. If the question, concern or complaint involves the resident director, or if the student is not comfortable discussing the matter with the resident director, the student may bring the matter to the immediate attention of the director of JPII Newman.

    Any non-resident student who has a question, concern or complaint of discrimination or harassment is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the resident director, or, if applicable, to the director of JPII Newman.


    All reports of inappropriate conduct will be promptly and thoroughly investigated, and JPII Newman will act to ensure that any improper conduct ceases immediately, and corrective action is taken to prevent a recurrence. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to the full range of disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or eviction from JPII Newman. Any JPII Newman staff member who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. JPII Newman will inform the complaining student of the resolution of the complaint as appropriate.

    No Retaliation

    JPII Newman prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports or assists in making a good faith complaint of prohibited harassment or discrimination and/or who cooperates in any harassment or discrimination investigation. Prohibited retaliation may include, but is not limited to, intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination against any such individual. If JPII Newman determines that a student has violated this policy, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the student, up to and including suspension or eviction. If JPII Newman determines that a staff member has violated this policy, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken against the staff member, up to and including termination.


    Nothing in this policy shall be construed as creating a contract or a cause of action. Neither the proscriptions of, nor actions taken under this policy shall on that basis prevent JPII Newman from fully arguing for or against the existence of any fact and the scope or meaning of any law in any forum.

  • All residents are required to follow the procedures found in the Emergency Response Plan. Awareness of your environment and taking precautions is necessary for your personal safety and the safety of your fellow residents. 

    At move-in, new residents will receive a copy of the Emergency Response Plan. Returning residents will receive a copy of the Emergency Response Plan each year via email. A copy of the Emergency Response Plan can also be found on our website at

    General information for fire and tornado are provided here:

    Fire Evacuation

    Survival is the top priority in the event of a fire. If there is a fire, the alarm systems in JPII Newman will automatically call the Omaha Fire Department. When you hear a fire alarm, immediately exit the building, using the following steps:

    1. FEEL THE DOOR HANDLE. If it's hot, don’t open the door; go to a window and call for help. If it's cool, open the door cautiously and check for smoke and fire.

    2. EXIT THE ROOM CRAWLING ON THE FLOOR. Avoid smoke and toxic chemicals in the air above.

    3. CLOSE THE ROOM AND STAIRWAY DOORS BEHIND YOU. Keeps the fire from spreading by closing doors.

    4. GET OUT OF BUILDING BEFORE PHONING FOR HELP. Your survival comes first.

    5. PULL THE FIRE ALARM ON YOUR WAY OUT. Proceed to the nearest exit.

    6. DON’T WAIT FOR PEOPLE OR GET YOUR BELONGINGS. Knock on doors and yell “FIRE” as you leave.

    7. IF YOU CAN’T GET OUT, GET SOMEONE’S ATTENTION. Stay low, yell and scream, hang a sheet from the window if possible.

    JPII Newman meets OSHA fire-safety requirements. Safety lighting, smoke alarms, and dry chemical extinguishers are located throughout the Center. Be sure you are aware of the nearest extinguisher; these should be used to exit the hall and not to fight a fire.

    Discharging or tampering with fire equipment is an act of vandalism that can result in the inadequate protection of the lives, safety, and property of a hall's residents. The Omaha Fire Department, the Federal Government, and OSHA consider tampering with this equipment a serious matter. JPII Newman also considers vandalism of safety equipment (including fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, fire alarms, exit signs, and emergency lighting, etc.) a serious matter. Consequences may include a fine, suspension, or eviction from JPII Newman.

    Fire Alarms

    Proper use and response to fire alarms is required. Anyone who falsely or negligently activates fire safety equipment will face disciplinary action. Additionally, any student who fails to respond to any fire alarm, whether false or actual, will face disciplinary action.

    Tornado Evacuation

    Civil Defense and tornado warning information is provided upon moving in and is also available through the Resident Assistants. Residents should be aware of what the local siren means. If a warning siren sounds, remain calm, stay inside, and take cover in the lowest possible area inside the building. Remember to stay away from windows and glass. If you are above ground, get next to an interior wall. Mattresses can be used as protection when you are above ground. If you are below ground, get next to an exterior wall. Residents should go to the suggested places for shelter. The best and safest place is the basement on the north end of the building.

  • JPII Newman encourages all residents, community members, and guests to practice healthy habits and be aware of any additional local guidelines during seasons of high risk such as, but not limited to, cold and flu season. When you are in doubt about how to treat your illness, go to your doctor or an urgent care provider and follow their instructions.

  • In addition to the requirements for clergy as indicated in the Policies of the Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha, dated July 1, 2024, and the Clergy Code of Conduct, the following is also in place for resident clergy who live in proximity with college students and minors at JPII Newman:

    1. Resident Clergy are not to engage in regular exclusive activity with any single student or group of students.

    2. Resident Clergy will hold meetings with students or directees in a professional environment and never in the rectory or other residence on site.

    3. Resident Clergy will not have students in their residences unless they are planned group events held at the rectory only. Students will not be permitted in the Archbishop’s residence (unit 1.9).

    4. Students are not permitted to knock on the Archbishop’s residence (unit 1.9) unless there is a public emergency.