As Christians we are called to be active in our communities!
Check here for various unique opportunities in our greater community. While not sponsored by the JPII Newman Center, the following initiatives are all great opportunities for college students to explore.

Magis Catholic Teacher Corps at Creighton University
Called to serve? Magis Catholic Teacher Corps at Creighton University is a 2-year teacher formation program in which participants teach in a Catholic school while simultaneously earning a master's degree in Education, Counseling, or Educational Leadership from Creighton University on a scholarship. Teachers live in community with one another while growing in spirituality together. Our teachers serve in schools in Omaha, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Sioux City, Tucson, and on two Native American reservations: Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota and Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska. Be more with Magis - join today!
Family Missions Company
Family Missions Company sends out full-time missionaries to preach the Gospel, serve the poor, and make missionary disciples around the world. We are lay Catholic missionary families and individual men and women who have a desire to reach the nations to fulfill the Great Commission. We share Christ’s love with the world, carrying out both corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
We invite you to learn more about becoming a full-time missionary or serve alongside us on a short-term mission trip! Email office@familymissionscompany.com to ask questions and get connected!
Culture Project
The Culture Project is an initiative of young people set out to restore culture through the experience of virtue. We proclaim the dignity of the human person and the richness of living sexual integrity, inviting our culture to become fully alive.
Apply today to be a missionary for the 2022-2023 school year.
A Simple House
A Simple House is a Catholic, inner-city ministry serving low-income and project neighborhoods in southeast Washington, DC and Kansas City, MO. The mission work involves meeting people in their neighborhoods, homes, and homeless camps. Missionaries make an initial 10 month commitment and do not fundraise a salary.
Seton Teaching Fellows
Looking for a meaningful job? Be a Seton Teaching Fellow! A Catholic post-graduate opportunity dedicated to answering the call of the New Evangelization. Be a missionary, educator, and servant of Christ in America’s inner cities.