9 Tips for Dating in College

Let’s be honest: dating in college is a lot more complicated than dating in high school. How do you begin to navigate it all?! Where does faith fit in with dating?!

We caught up with former student, Maddy, for some pointers. Maddy and her husband Ron dated all throughout college and ended up getting married at the JPII Newman Center (cute right?!). They share their tips below…


*Disclaimer: these tips are assuming you have defined the relationship and have mutually decided to intentionally get to know each other better in an exclusive relationship. 

  1. Do not settle for anything less than to get each other to heaven.

  2. Slowly introduce praying together into the relationship.

    • You should discern separately when, as a couple, you share something so intimate. Never cease in praying for each other.

  3. Don’t isolate yourselves.

    • Keep the friends that know you best close, because they are going to be able to see potential red flags before you. Listen to the people that love you.

    • Men still need male relationships. Women still need female relationships. Don’t give all your time to your significant other. That is unhealthy and weird.

  4. Make your intentions clear from the beginning.

    • Dating is for the purpose of finding a spouse, that’s it.

  5. You should not be dating if, interiorly, you are not in a place to encounter another towards the end goal of marriage.

    • If you are actively struggling with an addiction/habitual sin, seek healing and God’s mercy before trying to give your heart to another.

  6. Set/talk about physical boundaries sooner rather than later.

    • Sin is real. Temptation is REALLY real. Whenever the line is crossed, RUN to confession together and make a game plan on how you are going to avoid it next time.

  7. Don’t be surprised when your significant other does not fulfill your deepest desires. They are only human and you are likely expecting them to give you what only God can.

  8. Don’t over spiritualize the relationship.

    • If you do a novena to St. Therese of Lisieux to know if the relationship is God’s will, and see a rose on the ninth day, that doesn’t mean you should set a wedding date. Do not leave out proper discernment using the intellect that God gave you.

  9. Don’t continue the relationship because you think you can change them.

    • We all have areas of virtue that we can grow in, sure, but if you’re looking at your relationship like a home renovation project then it’s probably best you end things.

Happy Dating!  

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